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PSI Finques is a dynamic and creative team, made up of real estate specialists who are always looking to go one step further. Dejando la manera de trabajar de un Agente Inmobiliario Tradicional atrás para ofrecer una atención y un acompañamiento único y personalizado.

Because selling a house or looking for a new home does not have to be a worrying experience, it has to be a beautiful process in which to learn and enjoy every step. Where to feel calm and confident in every decision, and to be able to count on a specialist to finally obtain the expected result.

Selling your home as quickly as possible, at the best price and in the best possible conditions. Or buy your new home without haste, find the best price and that fits exactly to all your needs.

Do you like the way we think? Then contact us and let’s start working together today.

Ronda Maiols n 1 BMC 229. Sant Quirze del Vallès. Barcelona.

(+34) 669 04 31 31

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